Monday, October 08, 2007

The cottage by the lake

It's been almost a week since I was online and I am suffering the worst withdrawals ever. Also it has been a busy time so there was so much I could have written that will no doubt now end up forgotten. Oh well.

I've been staying at Pam's family's cottage up north of Toronto. We arrived last Wednesday with Grandma and Isaac, and had a night to ourselves before the rest of the troops arrived. Pam is one of four so they all arrived with respective spouses and offspring.

It's Thanksgiving weekend here so last night was the BIG night and we all cooked a part of it and then ate way too much and went to bed early to sleep it off!

The first few days were so sunny and warm but yesterday it turned grey and damp. But not cold at all. I've needed the air con on in the car both days as it's been so humid. But as a result the photos were prolific in the first days and have tapered off to almost nothing today. I'm disappointed as there is so much more I could go and enjoy with my cameras given the chance...

We're off back to Toronto tomorrow early as my friend, Jane arrives mid morning from New York. We've got the week together then I'm back to Pam's for the final few days before coming home to face reality...

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