Well, the day started off so well, got up at a pleasant time, packed my bag (didn't manage it last night) and headed off to the airport about 11am.
I had intended leaving about 10.30, but that was the early estimate time so I wasn't worried to be a bit later. All was good, checked in online last night, the journey by tube was painless, got to the baggage check and it dawned on me that all was NOT well.....
THE BL@@DY PASSPORT!!!!! It was safely tucked away in my top drawer where it had sat since getting back from Chicago in December... It has to happen to everyone once so I have been told and I am guessing it is a hard lesson not to learn after doing it just that once!
OK, so can I rebook a later flight and take the tube home and back again? No - there is only one connecting flight from Zurich to Prague each day. I have 1 hour before the check in closes on my flight.
I decide to call Airport Cars (AKA Premier Cars) who have picked me up from the airport on many occasion, and request their fastest, most risk taking, racing driver to get me home and back within the hour. Anyone who has driven (or taken the bus) in London knows well that luck has a lot to do with traffic conditions. Cars are flowing nicely one minute and the next there can be a 2 mile tailback for no obvious reason.
The powers that be were on my side today and it took 25minutes to get home, 30seconds to get out of car, unlock main house door, run downstairs, unlock my door, locate top drawer and afore mentioned passport, run back upstairs locking doors behind me and back into car. (You should have seen the drivers face!)
Then 30 mins to get back to airport (leaving a BIG tip for the driver) and then I sauntered up to the check in with minutes to spare! Through security to airside - and
then had to wait for the gate to be announced!! I had time to window shop, but instead I took a seat and, holding my head in my hands, caught my breath...
Flight was uneventful although over Switzterland looking down on all the snow and forests was beautiful (thought of you Walter and Karen!).
Connecting to the Prague flight was easy too and arrived in Prague on time to a cold,windy and raining evening. I'm hoping it gets it out of it's system tonight so tomorrow is a nice day! Just had a pizza for dinner (told you Megg I would end up eating pizza as only vegie food I would find!! Didn't go far tonight so will hopefully find something exciting tomorrow).
Then found a nice little convenience store and tried to buy some sparkling water. Only to discover that not only does water come still or with 'gas', but gas is then divided into 'big' or 'small'. Big gas for me please - no comments please... Czech water gets my seal of approval so far. Very delicious.