Monday, May 26, 2008

Dinner the other night

I wanted to take mum out for dinner once I returned to celebrate her birthday - belated of course but better late then never.

So we went to the Ritz on Thursday night. I enjoyed it immensely once I relaxed a little and got used to the 72 000 staff running around doing all sorts of nothings while a few did somethings.

I had a whole Dover Sole that was truly delicious - and de-boned at my side by a lovely young waiter. Mum had the halibut with crab stuffed zucchini flower which was also delicious. We had a roast pineapple with lime and chilli ice cream that was extraordinarily divine and a chocolate thingey which surprisingly was outshadowed by the pineapple...

Since when has pineapple been better then chocolate??

YAY/BOOHOO - I'm Back in London!!

I arrived reasonably unscathed in London last Tuesday morning and went to sleep for 5 hours before meeting Teresa for a coffee and dinner in central London. It was nice to be back and felt familiar and comfortable.

Then next morning I tried to get up and failed at all attempts - not sure if there was more then one attempt, but it failed nonetheless... I did finally get up as mum phoned and we met for lunch in Notting Hill.

Home again and to bed at 5.30pm until 3.30pm the following day - 22 hours sleep??!! One would hope that I had had enough sleep by then. Mum and I went out for dinner that night - more later - and then I was awake until 3-4am... surprise surprise...

But since then I've been forcing myself to bed at a decent time and still cannot wake in the morning. I'm hoping that is all about to change as I took care of one very big issue today.

We gave notice on our hovel at the beginning of the month so have to be out of here by Saturday. So it was getting tighter and tighter in the hunt for a replacement flat. Today I found a place and put a holding payment down so we move any time this week.

I hope very much that mum likes it as much as I did. It's no bigger then we have here now, but it has a shower and a WC (!!!!!!) that will only ever know our two lovely wee bottoms!!! Oh the bliss... no more antibacterial wipes before we pee!! No more 'loo shoes' as the floor will be clean! We will definitely not be able to swing a rat, let alone a cat in the bathroom though. I'm sure it is smaller then our first studio's bathroom - and that is truly something to behold.

So maybe the lethargy will lift now, or maybe it will lift after the move...