Monday, May 26, 2008

Dinner the other night

I wanted to take mum out for dinner once I returned to celebrate her birthday - belated of course but better late then never.

So we went to the Ritz on Thursday night. I enjoyed it immensely once I relaxed a little and got used to the 72 000 staff running around doing all sorts of nothings while a few did somethings.

I had a whole Dover Sole that was truly delicious - and de-boned at my side by a lovely young waiter. Mum had the halibut with crab stuffed zucchini flower which was also delicious. We had a roast pineapple with lime and chilli ice cream that was extraordinarily divine and a chocolate thingey which surprisingly was outshadowed by the pineapple...

Since when has pineapple been better then chocolate??


Anonymous said...

Why is the restarant empty?? Anyone would think you booked out the whole place....Lucy

Jenn said...

Who said we didn't...?